Vitamin D and Bone Health - Chandigarh

Friday, 26 July, 2024

Item details

City: Chandigarh
Offer type: Demand
Price: Rs 1,000


Contact name Dr. Ritesh Khokhar
Phone +91 7087274019

Item description

Vitamin D is really not a vitamin. Vitamins are special nutrients that the body needs but cannot make, so they must be obtained from what we eat or by supplements. Because our bodies can make Vitamin D in our skin when it is exposed to good sunlight, Vitamin D is considered a hormone.

In addition to affecting kids' fitness levels, spending so much time indoors has affected the amount of Vitamin D their bodies make. Our skin makes Vitamin D when we spend time in the sun. However, the Indian Dermatology cautions against overexposure from the sun or indoor tanning because ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and tanning beds can lead to the development of skin cancer.

Vitamin D is measured in units called International Units, or IUs. According to the Institute of Medicine–Food and Nutrition Board, and the National Institutes of Health–Office of Dietary Supplements, the Recommended Daily Allowances for Vitamin D among children is:

400 IU/day for children aged 0 to 12 months*
600 IU/day for children aged 1 to 18 years*

Vitamin D is important for good muscle health. People with very low Vitamin D blood levels may be more likely to experience muscle cramps, or bone or joint pain.

Studies suggest that older people who take Vitamin D seem to fall less often, probably due to better muscle function.

Vitamin D is very important in many aspects of our health. Children and adults alike should eat Vitamin D-rich foods, such as milk and fish, and take Vitamin D supplements to enjoy good bone health.

For more information consult our experts Dr Ritesh Khokhar at Fortis hospital Mohali