Knee Osteoarthritis And Treatment - Chandigarh

Monday, 8 April 2024

Item details

City: Chandigarh
Offer type: Demand
Price: Rs 1,000


Contact name Dr. Ritesh Khokhar
Phone 70872 74019

Item description

Osteoarthritis, commonly known as wear-and-tear arthritis, is a condition in which the natural cushioning between joints – cartilage – wears away. When this happens, the bones of the joints rub more closely against one another with less of the shock-absorbing benefits of cartilage. The rubbing results in pain, swelling, stiffness, less ability to move, and, sometimes, the formation of bone spurs.

The most common cause of osteoarthritis of the knee is age. Almost everyone will eventually have some degree of osteoarthritis. But several things increase the risk of having significant arthritis at an earlier age.

Age. The ability of cartilage to heal decreases as a person gets older.
Weight. Weight increases pressure on all the joints, especially the knees. Every pound of weight you gain adds 3 to 4 pounds of extra weight on your knees.
Heredity. This includes genetic mutations that might make a person more likely to have osteoarthritis of the knee. It may also be due to inherited abnormalities in the shape of the bones that surround the knee joint.
Gender. Women ages 55 and older are more likely than men to get osteoarthritis of the knee.
Repetitive stress injuries. These are usually a result of the type of job a person has. People with certain occupations that include a lot of activity that can stress the joint, such as kneeling, squatting, or lifting heavy weights (55 pounds or more), are more likely to get osteoarthritis of the knee because of the constant pressure on the joint.
Athletics. Athletes involved in soccer, tennis, or long-distance running may be at higher risk for osteoarthritis of the knee. That means athletes should take care to avoid injury. But it's important to note that regular moderate exercise strengthens joints and can decrease the risk of osteoarthritis. In fact, weak muscles around the knee can lead to osteoarthritis.

The primary goals of treating osteoarthritis of the knee are to relieve the pain and make you more mobile. The treatment plan will typically include a combination of the following:

Weight loss. Losing even a small amount of weight, if needed, can significantly decrease knee pain from osteoarthritis.
Exercise. Strengthening the muscles around the knee makes the joint more stable and decreases pain. Stretching exercises help keep the knee joint mobile and flexible.
Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. This includes over-the-counter choices such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium. Don't take over-the-counter medications for more than 10 days without checking with your doctor. Taking them for longer increases the chance of side effects. If over-the-counter medications don't provide relief, your doctor may give you a prescription anti-inflammatory drug or other medication to help ease the pain.
Injections of corticosteroids or hyaluronic acid into the knee. Steroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. Hyaluronic acid is normally present in joints as a type of lubricating fluid.
Alternative therapies. Some alternative therapies that may be effective include topical creams with capsaicin; acupuncture; or supplements, including glucosamine and chondroitin or SAMe.
Using devices such as braces. There are two types of braces: "unloader" braces, which take the weight away from the side of the knee affected by arthritis; and "support" braces, which provide support for the entire knee.
Physical and occupational therapy. If you are having trouble with daily activities, physical or occupational therapy can help. Physical therapists teach you ways to strengthen muscles and make your joints more flexible. Occupational therapists teach you ways to do regular, daily activities, such as housework, with less pain.
Surgery. When other treatments don't work, surgery is a good option.

Consult our experts Dr. RITESH KHOKHAR to get the best treatment..